Title: My Name is Selma: The Remarkable Memoir of a Jewish Resistance Fighter and Ravensbrück Survivor. Author: Selma Van De Perre Translators: Alice Tetley-Paul and Anna Asbury Publisher: Scribner, 2021. Hardback edition. 225 pages. $29.95. Kindle, $12.95. (Amazon, March 11, 2021). ISBN: 978-1-9821-6469-0 Reviewer: Arthur B. Shostak. Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Prof. Shostak is the author … [Read more…]
Review: As If It Were Life: A WWII Diary from the Theresienstadt Ghetto
As If It Were Life: A WWII Diary from the Theresienstadt Ghetto. By Philipp Manes. Translated by Janet Foster, Ben Barkow, and Klaus Leist (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), v + 289 pp. £18.99 cloth. Historians are getting beyond generalizations about realties in the Nazi-enforced ghettos, and none to soon as the last of the survivors … [Read more…]